Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Ikebana is an aesthetic art of flower arranging that utilizes various types of flowers, grasses and plants in order to enjoy its beauty. In Japanese, Ikebana is also known as kado (ka: flower; do: the way of life) that was developed in the 16th century.
In Ikebana there are many streams, each of which has its own way in arranging various types of flowers. Requires a certain flow of people see the flower arrangements right from the front, while others require people to see the flow of flower arrangements in the form of three-dimensional as two-dimensional shapes. Modern style ikebana (avant-garde ikebana) also have evolved. Some of these styles using glass, iron, and other materials in lieu of flowers.
There are 3 styles of Ikebana, ie:
  • Rikka (Standing Flower) is a traditional style of ikebana are widely used for religious celebrations. This style displays the beauty of the landscape plants. This style was developed around the early 16th century. There are 7 virtues in a series of Rikka style, ie: shin, shin-kakushi, soe, soe-uke, mikoshi, nagashi and maeoki.

    • Shoka ikebana is a series of less formal but still traditional. This style focuses on the original form of plants. There are 3 main elements in the style of Shoka ie: shin, soe and tai. In accordance with the times, after the Meiji Restoration in 1868 this style is more developed because of European influence Nageire meaning of free will "inserted" ( a series with high vase with a series of almost free) and Moribana. Then in 1977 a new style born of Shoka Shimputai, more modern, consisting of 2 main elements shu and yo, and complementary elements.

    • Jiyuka is a series of Ikebana is free where the circuit based on the creativity and imagination. This style was developed after World War-2. In this series we can use wire, metal and stone are prominent.

    Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


    Shodo is one of the most popular art of Japan which has been studied for more than 3000 years. Calligraphy is not just a good writing exercise, but rather the beginning of an oriental art form. Calligraphy is a combination of skill and imagination of someone who has studied extensively the use of combinations and lines.
    No casual in Japanese calligraphy. Earlier, direction, shape, line endings, and the balance between the essential elements for each line and point, even empty space can give testimony about many things. Who need to remember that, the characters are written in a calligraphic work of art should only be in one-time write graffiti. There should be no repetition, addition or finishing in a work of art of calligraphy.
    Shodo History
    History of Japanese Calligraphy which is originated from China and creation of Chinese writing system itself approximately 4,500 years ago. Calligraphy has developed a long time when taken to Japan at around the 6th century simultaneously with the beginning of the system to write Chinese / kanji entry into Japan. In the Heian period, Japanese people have started to show a quite remarkable achievement in a new art form "Three Great Brushes" (or sanpitsu) by Kuukai Buddhist monks, the Emperor and the imperial officers Tachibana No Hayanari have reached the apotheosis of calligraphy styles that became popular of the Chinese master T'an, Yan Zhenqing.
    There are five basic scripts in Chinese calligraphy has appeared before the end of the 4th century, namely: Tensho (seal style), reisho (clerical style), kaisho (block style), gyosho (semi-cursive style), sosho (cursive style you want, or " grass writing "). In addition, the Japanese have developed the kana characters since the 8th century, Three types of kana that has been developed that is, manyogana, hiragana and katakana.

    Ø     Manyogana is certain Chinese characters (kanji) used in Phonetics to symbolize Japanese Syllable, and was named after a poetry collection Manyoshu in the 8th century. At the time of compiling this collection, the Japanese do not have their own writing system. Some Japanese poem written in Chinese characters in use in phonetic. Therefore, with a drastic simplification, there is the hiragana and katakana. And in the hands of the Japanese royal women, hiragana developed into a beautiful script that became the style typical of Japanese calligraphy.
     Ø    Hiragana is a Japanese way of writing that represents as syillables. In the past, Hiragana is also known as onna de or 'writing woman' as commonly used by women. The men in those days to write using the write Kanji and Katakana. Hiragana began tobe used widely in the century 10 Masehi.
          Usefulness Hiragana:
    1. Write Furigana, also known as ruby, which is a small text on top of kanji, which indicates how a words read
    2. Write word endings (okirugana). Example: okuru (send) written: 送る. That's a bold okirugana.
    3. Writes adverb, some nouns and adjectives.
    4. Writes children's books such as textbooks, animations and comics.
    5. Sayings of Kanji writing was not known or had not been used.
    Here is a table that displays a list of letters (letters in red color is not used):

    Huruf Hidup

    Ø Katakana is one of three ways of writing Japanese. Katakana is usually used to write the words that come from foreign languages ​​that have been absorbed inti the Japanese language but it is also used to write onomatope and words of native Japanese who are confirmation only.
          Here is a table that displays a list of letters (letters in red color is not used):

      ア a
      イ i
      ウ u
      エ e
       オ o
       カ ka
      キ ki
       ク ku
       ケ ke
      コ ko
     キャ kya
      キュ kyu
      キョ kyo
      サ sa
       シ shi
      ス su
      セ se
      ソ so
     シャ sha
      シュ shu
      ショ sho
     タ ta
      チ chi
      ツ tsu
      テ te
      ト to
     チャ cha
      チュ chu
      チョ cho
       ナ na
     ニ ni
      ヌ nu
      ネ ne
      ノ no
      ニャ nya
      ニュ nyu
      ニョ nyo
      ハ ha
     ヒ hi
     フ fu
      ヘ he
       ホ ho
     ヒャ hya
      ヒュ hyu
      ヒョ hyo
      マ ma
     ミ mi
      ム mu
      メ me
      モ mo
      ミャ mya
      ミュ myu
      ミョ myo
      ヤ ya
      ユ yu
      ヨ yo
      ラ ra
     リ ri
      ル ru
      レ re
      ロ ro
    リャ rya
      リュ ryu
      リョ ryo
      ワ wa
     ヰ wi
      ヱ we
      ヲ wo
      ン n
      ガ ga
     ギ gi
      グ gu
      ゲ ge
      ゴ go
     ギャ gya
      ギュ gyu
      ギョ gyo
      ザ za
     ジ ji
      ズ zu
      ゼ ze
      ゾ zo
    ジャ ja
      ジュ ju
      ジョ jo
      ダ da
     ヂ ji
      ヅ zu
      デ de
      ド do
      バ ba
     ビ bi
      ブ bu
      ベ be
      ボ bo
     ビャ bya
      ビュ byu
      ビョ byo
      パ pa
     ピ pi
      プ pu
      ペ pe
      ポ po
     ピャ pya
      ピュ pyu
      ピョ pyo